Mission Churches 2017-02-28T12:42:10+00:00

Mission Churches

“Home Mission” churches are primarily churches that have existed for many years and either completely close their doors, or become unable to maintain their ministries locally. When a church closes it becomes the responsibility of Home Mission department to determine if, considering the church plant and location, there is potential to restart the church, or if it is best to sell the property.

If a church becomes unable to maintain their ministries locally they apply to Home Missions for their help. Again the decision is based on whether all the ingredients are there to have a viable ministry in that community. In a “Home Mission” church the Home Mission board serves as the board of deacons and appoints a pastor whichserves under the Home Mission board as the “Director” of the mission. If possible he appoints an advisory council to help led the church locally.

The hope and prayer is that a “Home Mission” church will once again become an autonomous church, at which time it will be set in order and a board of Deacons elected.

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